Monday, 3 October 2011

MP Robert Goguen interviewed by Lawyers Weekly

[Justice Minister Rob] Nicholson’s two parliamentary secretaries are newbie MPs, although neither is new to politics. Both senior legal practitioners have a lot to offer the justice minister with complementary skills and a combined total of 57 years of experience in the legal trenches.

Moncton native Goguen, 54, practised corporate commercial law, bankruptcy and insolvency, and civil litigation/personal injury lawmost recently with Actus Law. The bilingual father of three (the youngest is 12) is very active in charity work…

Goguen said he had “a good run” practising. “It was extremely exciting because there was never one day that was the same,” he explained. “Law is such a varied thing.” The highlight was “being able to put a smile on people’s faces when you were able to deliver the result.”

Added Goguen, “what I am doing now is certainly far different than what I have done in the past 27 years as a litigator, but it’s every bit as important. And it’s a different way of helping people and making society a better place to live.”

However unlike when he was practising, as an MP “instead of your being able to sit there and concentrate on anything for an hour, you are lucky if you get 10 minutes before you go on to the next task. It’s very, very accelerated,” he said.

After years of applying the law, Goguen said he relishes the prospect of helping make law. “It’s a very exciting challenge,” he enthused.

 - The Lawyer’s Weekly, Cristin Schmitz, 15 July 2011
Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe MP, Robert Goguen, announces $1 million for a Transportation Discovery Centre

Harper Government Invests in Moncton’s Transportation Discovery Centre
MONCTON, New Brunswick, October 3, 2011 – The City of Moncton will be able to complete construction of its Transportation Discovery Centre, thanks to support from the Government of Canada. This was announced today by Robert Goguen, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Member of Parliament (Moncton–Riverview–Dieppe), on behalf of the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages.

The new Transportation Discovery Centre, an extension of the Moncton Museum, will invite visitors to explore the past, present, and future of maritime, rail, road, and air transportation in the Moncton area. The new space will also allow the museum to host more exhibitions, attract more visitors each year, and improve its ability to preserve its collections.

“Our Government received a strong mandate from Canadians to invest in important cultural projects that will boost tourism in our communities,” said Minister Moore. “By supporting these projects, our Government is delivering on its commitment to strengthen our economy and support our arts, culture, and heritage.

“The construction of the Transportation Discovery Centre will stimulate the local economy and allow the Moncton Museum to offer Canadians better access to its arts and heritage spaces,” said Mr. Goguen. “Visitors will enjoy an interactive and educational experience through various activities showcasing the history of transportation in our region.”

The Moncton Museum, established in 1973, has a collection of 17,000 artifacts and 8,000 archival documents. Its mission is to preserve and interpret the physical and historical heritage of the Moncton and the surrounding area.

“The City of Moncton is delighted to receive funding from the Government of Canada through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage,” said George Leblanc, Mayor of Moncton. “This support will assist in the construction of the Transportation Discovery Centre, an extension addition to the Moncton Museum. The Centre will provide interactive educational experiences that will enhance the experience of visitors to our museum. We expect it to become a major destination, not only for school-age children and tourists, but for everyone.”

The Government of Canada has provided additional funding of $1,000,000 through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage, for a total investment of $1,500,000. This program seeks to improve physical conditions for artistic creativity and arts presentation or exhibition. It is also designed to increase access for Canadians to performing, visual, and media arts, and to museum collections and heritage displays.

Le gouvernement Harper investit dans le Centre de découverte
des transports du Musée de Moncton
MONCTON (Nouveau-Brunswick), le 3 octobre 2011La Ville de Moncton pourra réaliser son projet de construction du Centre de découverte des transports, grâce à un appui financier du gouvernement du Canada. C’est ce qu’a annoncé aujourd’hui M. Robert Goguen, député de Moncton–Riverview–Dieppe et secrétaire parlementaire du ministre de la Justice, au nom de l’honorable James Moore, ministre du Patrimoine canadien et des Langues officielles.

Le nouveau Centre de découverte des transports du Musée de Moncton invitera les visiteurs à explorer le passé, le présent et l’avenir du transport de la région de Moncton sous les thématiques maritime, ferroviaire, routière et aérienne. Les nouveaux espaces permettront aussi au musée d’accueillir plus d’expositions, d’attirer plus de visiteurs annuellement, ainsi qu’améliorer les capacités de conservation de ses collections. 

« Les Canadiens ont confié un mandat clair à notre gouvernement; celui d’investir dans des projets culturels importants qui stimulent le tourisme dans nos communautés, a déclaré
le ministre Moore. En soutenant ces projets, notre gouvernement honore son engagement à rendre notre économie encore plus dynamique et à appuyer les arts, la culture et le patrimoine. »

« La réalisation du Centre de découverte des transports stimulera l’économie locale et permettra au Musée de Moncton d’offrir aux Canadiens un meilleur accès à ses espaces artistiques et patrimoniaux, a ajouté M. Robert Goguen. Les visiteurs auront l’occasion de vivre une expérience interactive et éducative grâce à différentes activités qui mettront en valeur l’histoire des transports dans notre région. »

Fondé en 1973, le Musée de Moncton est le gardien d’une collection de 17 000 artéfacts et 8000 archives. Son mandat est la conservation et l’interprétation du patrimoine matériel et historique de la Ville de Moncton et des environs.

« La Ville de Moncton est ravie de l’appui financier accordé par le gouvernement du Canada dans le cadre du programme Fonds du Canada pour les espaces culturels du ministère du Patrimoine canadien, a déclaré M. George Leblanc, maire de Moncton. Ce soutien servira à la construction du Centre de découverte des transports de Moncton, qui deviendra un prolongement du Musée de Moncton. Ce centre proposera des activités éducatives interactives qui enrichiront l’expérience offerte aux visiteurs du Musée. Nous nous attendons à ce qu’il devienne une destination incontournable non seulement pour les enfants d’âge scolaire et les touristes, mais aussi pour l’ensemble des citoyens. »

Le gouvernement du Canada a accordé un appui supplémentaire de 1 000 000 de dollars dans le cadre du Fonds du Canada pour les espaces culturels, pour un investissement total de
1 500 000 dollars. Ce programme du ministère du Patrimoine canadien contribue à améliorer les conditions physiques de création artistique et de présentation ou d’exposition. Il vise à accroître l’accès des Canadiens aux arts de la scène, aux arts visuels, aux arts médiatiques, ainsi qu’aux collections muséales et aux expositions patrimoniales.